Format Your Manuscript and Sample Templates

The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag series "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing" (AISC) and the recommended format is Springer LaTeX style. To ensure reasonable quality and consistency of preparation, it is important that authors adhere closely to the instructions. Any manuscript submitted in technically unsuitable form will be returned to the author for retyping.

Initial submissions must be FULL papers (10 or 12 pages) and not merely abstracts.

Springer's guidelines and technical instructions for the preparation of contributions to be published in AISC series, as well as LaTeX and Word templates, are available on Springer's website: Information for Authors of Springer Proceedings

Although we recommend using a plain LaTeX editor for preparing manuscripts, LaTeX documents may also be prepared using LyX (a WYSYWIM editor for LaTeX) and then exported to plain LaTeX file. We prepared a LyX template for AISC-compliant conference papers: LyX AISC template
You may want to view a series of short video-tutorials on how to use LyX to prepare a AISC-compliant paper: LyX tutorial

In order to install and configure LaTeX environment and LyX please refer to LyX - installation, configuration and typesetting.

The instructions for authors either coding with LaTeX or using LyX may be downloaded here.
(Note that the LaTeX "all in one" package currently used by Springer is backward compatible with the LNCS package.)